Stafford Borough Horticultural Society

• Welcome to our show Stafford Borough Horticultural Show was a small show held in the Gatehouse Theatre in Stafford.
• In 1990 it had grown so big the show moved to be held at the County Showground in Stafford.
• As the years have gone by the show has grown and grown and now is housed in the Argyle Suite at the County Showground.
• The show attracts amateur gardeners of all ages from all over the county.
• We are a committee run organisation, with the support of Stafford Borough Council.
• Each year we bring out a new schedule which is distributed to all previous exhibitors.

Image: Gatehouse Theatre in Stafford.

Image: County Showground in Stafford.

As the gardening season begins why not request a
schedule for our show.
Any age or ability can exhibit.

The schedule holds classes for vegetables,
flowers, floral art, photography, domestic, handicrafts,
children’s classes.

None can be easier than searching your garden for
that unusual shaped vegetable.

Requests for schedules can be made by emailing

Want to know how you can exhibit?


Floral Art

• All floral art classes

• are given titles for you to create.

• Some contain fresh flowers,
others dried flowers, some
no flowers at all just foliage.

• Some can have accessories

• Why not get a bit crafty
and have a go at one
of our eco friendly


Image: Made from recycled materials


• Why not have a bit of fun and try out our photography classes any things from the amateur to the more experienced photographer.
• This class has grown each year.
• Why not take a chance and enter one yourself.
• Size of photos exhibited 7” x 5”



• Why not try your hand at some baking classes are for all ages and abilities
• Perhaps you are a dab hand at making your own jam.





Children’s classes

• Classes for children start from 0-15 years
• They range from finger painting, collage, painting stones making their own cards.
• These classes can also be found at the Party in The Park event in Stafford in July


Vegetable classes

• Grown from your very own garden, a variety of vegetables for you to choose to grow.
• Don’t forget nothing goes to waste when you find that unusual shaped vegetable it can be shown as well.





Winners trophies



These lovely dahlia's are a small display of what you will see at the show, better still enter some of your own dahlia to be judged by N D S rules and standard, and see if you can win the N D S medals.



Oh what a lovely fuchsia, can you grow them like that?, if so why don't you enter them, more the merrier, they are class 15 to 18 go on have ago.


Gladioli Flower

gladioli flower they look so majestic, you will need three spikes in a vase to enter the class.


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