Schedule 2023






Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th September

Bingley Hall

At the County Showground, Stafford


Featuring classes for all ages and abilities

 Photography, Domestic,

Handicraft, Floral Art



Kindly sponsored by

Stafford Borough Council


Incorporating the

National Chrysanthemum Society Early Show

Stafford Fuchsia Society

Grow More Veg

Schedules can be downloaded from


Opening times Saturday 11am-5pm, Sunday 10am-3pm



Rules and Regulations for Exhibitors

Stafford Borough Horticultural Show Committee


Exhibits will be accepted from 6pm Friday evening until 8.15am Saturday morning, when the hall will be closed for judging to start at 8.45am.

Exhibit cards must be placed face down beneath the exhibits. More than one entry is allowed in each class, but only the highest pointed will be eligible to count towards an award.

The judges have the right to withhold any prize, or reduce the value where exhibits are deficient in merit and may award extra prizes if they consider it to be worthy.

Once an Exhibit has won a prize it is not eligible to be entered again.

Entries to be made on official entry form provided with the show schedule.

Floral art entries should be received not later than Wednesday 6th September,  to facilitate space being made available. Please help us by adhering to this request.


Judging of the show will be in accordance with the current rules of the National Dahlia Society, National Chrysanthemum Society, National Vegetable Society, British Fuchsia Society, National Association of Flower Arranging Societies and the British National Carnation Society.


The Judges decision is final in all matters relating to the exhibits


Prize money will be paid out by the treasurer after the presentation of the awards on Sunday at 2pm. Thank you.


The MINIMUM entry fee on this show is £2, so do please note this when submitting your fees, thank you.


Exhibits must not be removed from the show benches until 3pm on the Sunday, as there may be paying members of the public still viewing the show.


The SBHS committee accept no responsibility for loss or damage of exhibits for the duration of the show.

No professional gardeners or nurserymen/women owners are eligible to enter any part of this show schedule.


All exhibits other than floral art must have been grown by the exhibitor and been in their possession for at least three months prior to the date of the show.


Entry fees: All exhibits are charged at 50p per entry, except for classes…1,19, 49, 50, 79, 81,116, which are £1

Children’s entries are free in their sections, entering other sections incur a fee.


Once again after the trophy presentation, due to the age and condition of some of our trophies, they will be retained by the SBHS Committee and we will present you with a certificate indicating which award(s) you won at our 2023 show.


We hope this won’t detract from the show, and that you will enjoy your weekend with the Stafford Borough Horticultural Show Committee.

With all best wishes for a successful weekend with us


Yours sincerely, Andy Wheawall.  Chairman




Stafford Borough Horticultural Show Committee.


Chairman                     Andrew Wheawall

Secretary                     Julie Wheawall

Treasurer                     Hazel Howes



Show committee members


Matthew Waymont-Barlow                Adam Mundin                                     Wendy Nield                                       Alice Waymont - Barlow

Sue Chaplin                                         Sarah Davies

                                    Mike Smith(SBC)                                        




Show judges 2023

The SBHSC are pleased to announce that the following judges have been engaged for 2023



Vegetables                                          TBS


Dahlias, cut flowers and pot plants     Andrew McDougall


Children’s                                           TBC


Floral art                                             Mrs  Flood  & Mrs Capewell


Handicrafts                                         TBC   


Fuchsias                                              Andrew McDougall


Domestic                                             Mrs J Jones



Photography                                        TBC


The SBHSC are indebted to the judges for coming along so early to judge the show











Dear Exhibitors



Many thanks, once again, for asking for a show schedule of Stafford Borough Horticultural Show. We look forward to renewing acquaintances and meeting new faces at the show, which is held in conjunction with the NCS early show in the county town.


Due to increasing costs of running the show we have had to increase our entry fees.


May I take this opportunity to thank you for your support during the 2022 show. It was gratefully received,

 We enjoyed a bright and varied show, with an increase in exhibitors and exhibits. To follow last year’s success of new exhibitors and requests for this year’s schedule, we have changed a selection of classes to keep you on your toes.


Once again you will see new class titles for some of our domestic, photography, floral art and handicraft sections.


Entry fees of 50p per exhibit per class, and a ticket for you to get back into the show will be issued with your class entry cards. Do ensure that your entry card is placed face downwards under your exhibit, otherwise you may not get judged.


I will be the night watchman for the SBHSC and will be on hand should you require any help. Tea and coffee will be available throughout staging times.


May we wish all your entries ‘good luck’ in this year’s show!


Need a new challenge for this year, why not join us as a committee member?

No experience is necessary, just a willing pair of hands. Meetings are held once a month in Stafford from approx 7pm -8.30pm.

New ideas are always welcomed.


Last year we saw the sad loss of our Vice Chairperson Bill McKeen, his sense of humour, his attention to detail, the endless sandwiches and cups of tea. He will be missed by all of us.


                                                            Andy Wheawall                                              





Any enquiries, or to order more schedules, please contact Julie Wheawall on 07719351370


Copies by email can be requested by emailing Julie Wheawall

Or by contacting


Andy Wheawall on             










Stafford Borough Horticultural Show 2023


Show schedule


Dahlia section


Class 1            Stafford Borough Open Championship Class           6          4          2          1

3 vases of 3 blooms

1 distinct cultivar per vase

3 distinct cultivars

 ** may be staged in the single vases.


Class   2          3 blooms Giant and/or Large Decoratives                 3          2          1

                        1 cultivar to a vase


Class   3          3 blooms Giant and/or Large Cactus or

                                    Semi Cactus                                                   3          2          1

                        1 cultivar to a vase


Class   4          3 blooms Medium Cactus or Semi cactus                 3          2          1


Class   5          3 blooms Medium Decorative                                    3          2          1


Class   6          3 blooms Small Cactus or Semi Cactus                     3          2          1


Class   7          5 blooms Small or Miniature ball                                3          2          1


Class   8          5 blooms Small or Miniature Decoratives                  3          2          1


Class   9          5 blooms Poms (not to exceed 52mm/2”dia)             3          2          1


Class   10        5 blooms Collerettes                                                   3          2          1


Class   11        5 blooms Water Lily                                                    3          2          1


Any cultivar or cultivars may be used in this section            


Trophies to be awarded



John Jules Perpetual Trophy (Dahlias) class 1

The Pope Perpetual Trophy for most points in section

Carolyn Welch Trophy best vase of Dahlias

Gemma Huntington Shield Winner, class 9 Poms










Rose section


Class   12        1 vase of 3 blooms-HT                       2          1-50     1


Class   13        1 vase of one specimen bloom-HT    2          1-50     1


Class   14        1 vase of 3 sprays –Floribunda          2          1-50     1



Trophies to be awarded


The Wyevale Trophy most points in section

Cyril Starkey Memorial Trophy for best exhibit in section




Fuchsia Section




Class   15        Triphylla type – any size pot               3          2          1


Class   16        Bush  or shrub Fuchsia-

                        maximum 8 “ pot                                 3          2          1


Class   17        Encliandra type- any size pot             3          2          1


Class   18        1 Standard Fuchsia – any size pot     3          2          1



Trophies to be awarded


The Talbot Trophy best exhibit in section

The Braddock Trophy, most points in section



Chrysanthemum section



Class   19        5 blooms, one vase, incurred or intermediate,

                           or flexed                                                       3          2          1


Class   20        3 stems, one vase, sprays                              3          2          1


Class  21         3 stems reflexed                                             3          2          1


Class 22          3 stems Intermediate                                      3          2          1



Trophies to be awarded


The John Ryan Trophy, most points in section

NCS Silver medal, best vase in section

NCS Bronze medal, next best vase in section




Cut flowers and pot plant section



Class   23        mixed perennials, one vase,(no spray chrysanths)   3          2          1


Class   24        gladioli, three spikes, large flowered                          3          2          1


Class   25        annuals, one vase, six stems, (no asters)                  3          2          1


Class   26        asters, one vase, six stems                                        2          1-50     1


Class   27        annuals, two vases, two distinct kinds, six stems      2          1-50     1

                        In each vase


Class   28        flowering pot plant in bloom,(no fuchsias, geraniums

                        or pelargoniums)                                                         2          1-50     1


Class   29        foliage pot plant, any size pot                                     2          1-50     1


Class   30        cactus, six inch maximum pot                                    2          1-50     1


Class   31        geranium or pelargonium, one, any size pot              2          1-50     1


Class   32        begonia, tuberous rooted, any size pot                      2          1-50     1


Class   33        begonia, one cut bloom                                              2          1-50     1


Class   34        collections: three vases taken from the dahlia and

 cut flowers sections. Numbers to be shown as defined

in the schedule eg 3 gladioli, 6 asters, 6 annuals etc   2       1-50     1


                                Trophies to be awarded


                John Mottram Rose Bowl most points in section

                      Staffordian Trophy best exhibit in section


Fruit section


Class   35        raspberries      dish of ten (stalks on)                         2          1-50     1


Class   36        blackberries    dish of ten (stalks on)                         2          1-50     1


Class   37        plums  dish of eight (stalks on)                                   2          1-50     1


Class   38        apples  dessert            dish of four (stalks on)            2          1-50     1


Class   39        apples  cooking    dish of four  (stalks on)                  2          1-50     1


Class   40        dish of 3 fruits 3 of each kind  (stalks on)                  2          1-50     1


Trophy to be awarded

John Joules Perpetual Challenge Trophy



Heavy weight section (£3 prize to each class winner only)


Class   41        onion one (tops trimmed)      


Class   42        tomato, one truss, any colour,


Class   43        beetroot, long or round cultivar, one (tops trimmed)


Class   44        potato, any cultivar, one


Class   45        marrow one


Class  46         A single tomato


Class  47         Cabbage


Class  48         pumpkin



Trophy awarded


The Ernie Talbot Memorial Trophy (tomatoes)



Vegetable section


Class   49        Master Gardener


                        A display of three vegetables,  one pot

                        plant flowering or foliage, and one vase

                        of flowers (eg 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 cabbage)

                        space allowed 3’ x 2’                                            6      4        2          1



Class   50        The Bill Phillips Memorial Class

                        Two plates of potatoes, distinct varieties.

                        One variety to each plate, five on each plate      6       4       2          1




Class   51        2 leeks, blanched over 14” blanch                             3          2          1


Class   52        2 leeks, pot, blanched, maximum  6” blanch             3          2          1


Class   53        3 onions, each under 8ozs                                         3          2          1


Class   54        3 onions, each over 8 ozs but under 2 lbs                 3          2          1


Class   55        3 onions each over 2lb                                               3          2          1


Class   56        2 parsnips, tops trimmed to three inches                   3          2          1


Class   57        3 carrots, long, tops trimmed to 3”                             3          2          1


Class   58        3 carrots, other than long, tops trimmed to 3”            3          2          1


Class   59        5 potatoes, on a plate, white                                      3          2          1


Class   60        5 potatoes, on a plate, coloured                                 3          2          1


Class   61        9 beans, runner                                                           3          2          1         


Class   62        9 beans, French                                                          3          2          1


Class   63        5 tomatoes, on a plate                                                3          2          1


Class   64        8 tomatoes, small fruited and /or cherry type

                        On a plate                                                                   3          2          1


Class   65        6 shallots, pickling, on a plate, to pass through        

                        a 30mm diameter ring                                                 3          2          1


Class   66        6 shallots, Culinary, on a plate                                   3          2          1


Class   67        3 beetroot, round as grown                                        3          2          1

                        Leave tops on All to be trimmed to 3 “


Class   68        3 beetroot, long or cylindrical as grown                     3          2          1

                        Leave tops on.  All to be trimmed to 3 “


Class   69        a pair of vegetable marrows                                       3          2          1         


Class   70        a pair of cucumbers                                                    3          2          1


Class   71        2 heads of celery                                                        3          2          1


Class   72        pumpkin, one                                                              3          2          1


Class   73        collection of four kinds of herbs, each in a

                        separate pot- maximum pot size 5”                            3          2          1


Class   74        1 unusual, shaped vegetable                                     2          1-50     1


Class   75        2 cobs of corn (husks on)                                           3          2          1


Class   76        Mini Collection 1 specimen of different vegetables  5           3          2                                                                                                       

                        i.e 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 potato, 1 parsnip


Class  77         Any other vegetable not listed in the classes above  3          2          1


Class 78          Any vegetable grown not in its natural colour.           2          1.50     1



Trophies to be awarded


The City Gift and gold cup winner class 49 Master Gardener, the Alan Pearson Memorial Award

The Bill Phillips Memorial, Class 50

Holmcroft  AA Trophy most points in section

Jack Mellor Cup Winner class parsnips 56

The Mayor Trophy best exhibit class 54

H Joynes best exhibit in Class 68

English Electric Cup winner of class 76





Floral art

Please call or email before Wednesday 9th September to reserve your table space

All exhibits other than class 81 to be made on site

To be displayed against a black cloth back drop.



                                                                                                                        £          £          £

Class   79        Fit for a King”                                                                      12         8         6

An exhibit using fresh flowers, foliage and accessories allowed,

 Space 36” wide x 24” depth with unrestricted height


Class   80         “ A Ring of Words               ”                                              8          5          3

A modern arrangement using fresh and dried plant materials,     

accessories allowed.

Space allowed 24” width x 24” depth, with unrestricted height.



Class   81        “The one that got away”                                                      12        8          6

                        A modern arrangement using fresh

flowers and foliage and accessories allowed.

Allowed 36” width x 24”depth, with unrestricted height



Class   82        “Tickled Pink”                                                                       8          5          3

For the less experienced arranger. An exhibit using recycled materials, accessories allowed. Space allowed 24” width x 24 deep, with unrestricted height



Class   83        Cloud 9                                                                                   5          3          2

An arrangement displayed in a fish bowl, using fresh and dried plant materials. Accessories allowed. To be viewed from all sides. 12” x 12”

 (Can be brought in ready made.)


Class 84         “A Man about Town” – Mens Only Class                         8         5          3

                        A modern arrangement using fresh and dried plant materials,    

accessories allowed. Space allowed 24” width x 24” depth, with unrestricted  height.



                                                            Floral art

Trophies to be awarded


SBHSC Mavis Keleghan Memorial Trophy for best exhibit in section

SBC Mavis Keleghan trophy for most points in section

The Autumn Shield, best Novice class



Domestic section

All Preserves and jams to be displayed with a new lid or clear covers


Class   85        Apple Pie (max 9”)                                                     3          2          1


Class   86        Victoria sandwich with any jam filling                         3          2          1


Class   87        Lemon Drizzle Cake                                                   3          2          1


Class   88        A jar of Chutney

                        Jars must have a new lid or clear covers                   3          2          1

                        Must be labelled and to be dated, marked to

                        indicate spiced and be at least 6 weeks old.                    


Class   89        A jar of stoned or soft fruit jam, 2023                         3          2          1

Jars must have a new lid or clear covers


Class   90        A Jar of Marmalade 2023                                          3          2          1

                        Jars must have a new lid or clear covers                                                                              

Class   91        Battenburg Cake                                                        3          2          1


Class   92        5 Chocolate Chip Muffins                                            3         2          1


Class   93        5 pieces of Millionaire Shortbread                              3          2          1


Class   94        Carrot  Cake               own recipe                              3          2          1


Class   95        A Cake containing an unusual ingredient own recipe  3        2          1

                        (copy of recipe to be included)

Trophies awarded



The Loren Massey Trophy. Winner with most points



Handicraft section



Class   96        A 3D Card                                                                   3         2          1


Class   97        A Cushion Max Size 16” any medium                        3          2          1         


Class   98        A piece of stained glass max size 12”                        3         2          1


Class   99        Made from wood                     .                                    3        2          1


Class   100      A piece of headwear                                                     3        2          1


Class   101      Any other craft item “you made it lets see it”                3        2          1





All photos exhibited MUST NOT have been downloaded and MUST have been taken by the entrant.


Size max 10” x 8, Mount, max size 12” by 10


Class   102      in the sky at night                                                       3          2          1 


Class   103      Close Up                                                                     3          2          1


Class   104      Happy Tails                                                                 3          2          1


Class   105      Meadows                                                                    3          2          1


Class   106      Technology                                                                 3          2          1


Class   107      Black & White                                                             3          2          1


Class 108        “Fluffy“                                                                        3          2          1


Class   109      Transport                                                                    3          2          1

                        First time exhibitors only        



Trophy to be awarded

Rita Huntington, most points in section



Mums and Dads                    bottle of wine for first three winners


Class   110      “Made from Pot Plants”         


Children’s section


5 and under on show day


Class   111      A Hand or Foot Print Picture                                      3          2          1



15 and under on show day


Class   112      A Stuffed Sock Animal                                               3          2          1


Class   113      A Decorated Stone                                                     3          2          1


Class  114       A handmade Card                                                      3          2          1


Class 115        Photograph taken by you “Out and About”                3          2          1


Please ensure that the children’s age is marked on the entry form. All children’s entries into the above classes are free.


Trophies to be awarded


Kingsley Shield / Rising Brook Shield

Class   116      Stafford Borough Top Tray

                                                                                                £10      £8       £5        £3


Competition rules: The Stafford Borough Top Tray is a collection of vegetables taken from the following list of eight. The quantity of vegetables required for the collection is given in brackets, and each type must consist of the same variety.


Carrots (3)         cauliflowers (2)              onions (3)          parsnips (3)


Peas (6 pods)   potatoes (3)                  Runner beans   (6 pods)           tomatoes (6)


Each of the vegetables will be judged out of a total of 20 points. This is split into three sections as follows;

7 points for size and colour        7 points for condition                 6 points for uniformity


The overall marks therefore will be out of 60.


All vegetables are to be displayed for effect. The vegetables must be displayed within

an area of 45cms x 60cms (18”x 24”) without bending any of them. No part of any exhibit may exceed the size of the tray. A tray or board measuring 45cms x 60cms (18”x24”) can be used to display the vegetables, or the same area simply marked on the staging. Where a tray has a lip or an edge, it is the internal measurements that must not exceed the stated size. A black cloth is permitted and the tray may be painted. Rings may be used to support exhibits. Parsley is allowed for garnishing but no other foliage or accessories such as plates, sand, and so on, will be allowed. Onion tops may be tied or whipped, using raffia or string.


Notes for judges and exhibitors

Carrots and parsnips must have their tops trimmed back to 3”.

Peas and beans must be displayed with some stalks attached.

Tomatoes must be displayed with the calyces (the green bud case)

Judges may handle the exhibits to open pods and so on, to check quality.

The tray, board or staging must not be cut or mutilated in any way at all, such as cutting a hole for standing onions in.

Judges should use their own discretion when judging the top tray class, remembering that entries may not come from regular exhibitors.

The points should be clearly marked by the judges on the exhibitor’s card.

Any queries that may arise regarding any other than the above rules, should be referred to and decided by the show officials.

Failure to abide by these rules will lead to disqualification






















Exhibitor number………………………



Stafford Borough Horticultural Show

Entry form    




Name…………………………………………..  Amount enclosed………………………







Dahlias                         1….2…..3…..4…..5….6….7….8…...9….10……11……

Roses                           12…….13……..14………..

Fuchsias                       15……..16……….17……..18….....

Chrysanthemum           19……..20………21.........22............

Cut flowers /pot plant   23……24…….25……26……..27……..28…. 29…….,


Fruit section                  35…….36........37…….38…….39……..40……...

Heavy weight      41…...42….43……44..........45........46……47……48……..

Vegetable                     49……..50……51……….52……...53……….54…….



68………69………70……….71………72..........73.........74........75..........76............... 77........78…...

Floral art                        79……..80…….81……...82…….83...........84……...

Domestic                      85…….86……..87………88..............89............


Handicrafts                   96……..97…….98..........99……..100........101........

Photography                 102.........103…….104...... 105......106…….. 107………108…….109….. 

Mums and dads            110………

Children’s                      111………112………113………114……..115……..

Stafford Borough top tray      116……


Cheques made payable to The Stafford Borough Horticultural Show or SBHSC

Posted to Julie Wheawall Show secretary 4 Izaak Walton Street, Stafford ST16 1HT





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